Selling Gift Certificates with ReservationKey and Square

With the holiday season almost in full swing, now is the perfect time to set up ReservationKey Gift Certificates and Square.  While we have offered Gift Certificates for many years, we just now have added Square as a payment option.  Square has been very popular with our clients thanks to their competitive pricing, very secure … Read more

NEW: Set date range restrictions on fees.

It is now possible to have fees added automatically to a reservation based on whether the start date of the reservation falls within the date range set for the fee.  This could be useful for setting different fees based on the year – such as if the cleaning fee needed to increase year to year.  … Read more

Square API Update News

As Square is soon discontinuing their payment form options which we have been using, we have now rebuilt our Square connection using their newest API options. Here are some notes about what has changed. CHANGES 1. The payment form is simpler. No longer do we have fields for address, country, etc. Square requires very minimal … Read more

NEW: Password protect online reservation pages

A number of our clients are “members only” and have requested there be a way to restrict access to reservation pages to only members. To help with this we have now created an option to add a password to the reservation page link. This makes it so only people with the correct link can access … Read more

NEW: Electric Meter Calculator in Items for Sale

As our type of clients expands, we now have users that rent long term RV trailer sites. As part of the monthly bill there is usually an electricity charge. We have now added a new Item for Sale type – Metered Electricity – and a calculator to go along with it. This make the process … Read more

NEW FEATURE: Flag rooms as dirty or clean

It is now possible to click to change the cleaning status of a room. This option can also be set automatically based on the reservation status. 1. Enable this feature. Go to the Settings tab, Users, User Permissions for the user(s) that you want to enable this feature for. Then click Enable Additional Features and … Read more

NEW: Fully customizable internal contact form in Reservation Details, including set which fields are required

It is now possible to customize the contact form in the Reservation Details screen. Here is an example with a few fields removed, a label customized, and a few fields required. To set this up, go to Settings, Preferences, and expand the section called Reservation Details. Then click “customize” in the Contact Form Details section. … Read more

NEW: Online Check-in Form; Signature Fields; Image Uploads

We now have an easy option for online check-in.  Using the merge code {{checkinlink}} in an email template, your guests receive a clickable link to a form to complete the check in process online.  The settings for this page are fully customizable, including what form fields to show (custom fields), and how many days prior … Read more