NEW OPTION: Create a fee that is a percentage of the room price
We now have an option to set up a fee that is calculated as a pecentage of the total room price. All the fees: An example showing one of each fee type added to a reservation
We now have an option to set up a fee that is calculated as a pecentage of the total room price. All the fees: An example showing one of each fee type added to a reservation
Here is a really neat idea, embedding the entire booking page is a small box on your homepage. This way guests can book directly from the front page, without needing to search for the booking system. This example shows the embedded box appears only on large screens. On smaller screens it disappears, but guests can … Read more
We have just released six new themes for our reservation pages. These themes use modern design principles, are responsive, and generally go a long way towards improving the look and feel of the system. If you are using one of our older themes we highly recommend you consider switching to one of these new themes. … Read more
One of our users noticed that payments coming from a reservation page are not categorized like payments that are entered internally. So we have now added an option to set what category should be used for the initial payment from the online payment page. This setting is found under the Website tab, Payment Schedules. Whatever … Read more
One of our property manager users describes below how she is able to convert leads to booking using ReservationKey’s payment link feature. This automates the process of asking the guest for a credit card and at the same time gives them a quote to review. Summary: 1. Get the potential guest’s email address2. Make a … Read more
For our users with many room/units and many users, it is now a lot easier to manage permissions when adding a new unit to your account. Previously it was necessary to open the settings for every user and add the newly added unit to their permissions. Now, from within the Room/Unit settings screen it is … Read more
A new type of custom field has been added – numbers. An easy way to make a dropdown list that contains incrementing numbers. Just enter the start, stop, and optional increment to build this type of custom field. A custom field of this type can be added in the Website tab, Custom Fields, ADD.
It is now possible for guests to select from multiple rate plan options when making reservations online using the date search view in either the multiple rooms or hotel style booking pages. This is useful to be able to offer different rates for the same room, depending on amenities offered (such as with or without … Read more
Now it is super easy to get an overview of your activity for the day. Simply click the date bar and a summary of arrivals, staying, and empty rooms will show. This also shows outstanding balance, number of guests, and number of nights.
It is now easy to move reservations around on the calendar – just drag, drop, and confirm. There is also the option to keep the original prices, or to pull prices fresh from the room the reservation was dragged to.