Payment Pages now include terms agreement section

The same functionality as is found on the main reservation page with regard to the terms and cancellation policy now applies to the payment pages. If you are using our {{paymentlink}} feature, or taking payment on the confirmation page, now the terms and conditions and cancellation policies and links will appear there. This was done … Read more

Enhancement: Bulk Print Now Can Create and Email PDFs

Thanks to an idea from one of our users, we’ve added an enhancement to our bulk print section so that you can now create a PDF file which can be printed or emailed.  One reason for this is to make it easier to take electronic signatures on registration forms. What this user has done is: … Read more

NEW: Automatically track commissions due from bookings

If you are using our channel manager connection,, it is now possible to track commissions owed on reservations that come into ReservationKey through the channel manager. We’ve created a place in the channel manager setting to save how much commission is paid on each reservation you receive through third parties (OTAs). Once this is … Read more

Drag Across Dates to Select Multiple Days

We added an enhancement to make it easier to select dates on the internal calendar. Now, instead of clicking each day one by one, we have the option to click the first date, hold down your mouse, and then release on the last date of the reservation. This will select all dates in between, as … Read more – new directory site created by ReservationKey users

Several of our long time users have been working hard to create a new directory website for independent lodging facilities, The idea with this is to provide a central place for guests to find properties and avoid paying commissions to the big Online Travel Agent sites. ReservationKey has worked with to provide a … Read more

Review of Forum Updates

We’ve been working hard to make the forum more functional, especially to help with organizing and prioritizing requests that we receive. We now are sorting all messages into one of three categories – Technical Support, Feature Request, and Bug Reports. And from there we are connecting the post with the area of ReservationKey it is … Read more

Update Themes

We’ve update our “Simple” themes to reflect trends in modern web design. Most noticeable are some brighter colors, larger text, and larger form fields. But we’ve also added responsive design into these themes, meaning that the page formatting automatically adjusts to fit the user’s screen, no matter what size. This means it isn’t critical to … Read more

New MyAllocator Option for Room Type Matching

For users that are taking advantage of our connection with our channel manager partner,, we now have two ways to set up matching between ReservationKey and Myallocator. By Room TypeWe’ve just added the option to match room types in ReservationKey to those set up in Myallocator. With this method you don’t need to set … Read more

MyAllocator Modifications

We’ve now added the ability to process modifications to existing reservations sent to ReservationKey from MyAllocator. How this works is we set the prior version of the reservation to cancelled and then insert the modification as if we were inserting a new reservation. If the ReservationKey account doesn’t contain a status that doesn’t block the … Read more