New Flexibility in Taxes on Items for Sale and Fees

It is now possible to set exactly which taxes (if any) apply to Items for Sale and Fees. Previously, we had just one setting taxable or non-taxable. Now, to set as non-taxable, just don’t check any taxes to apply to the item. Otherwise, check the taxes that should apply. This allows for greater flexibility and … Read more

Press Enter To Search

A few fields have been updated to have the ability to start a search by pressing enter instead of having to click the search button.  Places you can press enter instead of clicking a search button: last name field in the Reservation Summary screen (opens the contact search box) last name field in the contact … Read more

New Option to Include Tax on Percentage Items for Sale

Now you can set whether or not an item for sale that is a percentage should calculate the percentage price based on the total reservation price, including or excluding tax. This is useful if you are selling something such as Trip Insurance, that needs to be based on the total price of the entire reservation, … Read more

New Alert If Auto Payment Does Not Complete

We have added an alert in case a PayPal subscription payment is not automatically received. Prior to this, account access would be automatically disabled as soon as the currently paid month expired. The difficulty with this is sometimes users would find themselves unable to log into their ReservationKey account without advance notice. Usually the payment … Read more

Arrive Depart in Calendar Search Mode

We’ve added lines for Arrive and Depart dates in the summary section when in the Calendar Search Mode (mode where users click calendar to select dates). This addition matches what we already had in the Availability Search Mode. This should help guests be extra clear on the arrive/depart dates they have selected.  Example:

New Guestbook Spam Prevention

In order to prevent spam being submitted on the Guestbook comments form, we have added a new section. To successfully submit a comment, a simple numerical question must be answered by selecting the correct answer from a dropdown list. The questions ask for answers to the sum of random numbers. This is our first attempt … Read more

New Internal Messaging System

Welcome to the new internal messaging system. We will be using this system to announce changes and improvements to the system.  Also, a big part of the system is the ability to send communications internally to Support, instead of by email. We hope to transition the majority of our support messages to this system rather … Read more

Fees and Items for Sale Line Items

Now, instead of breaking down multiple Fees and Items for Sale into one line per item, they are combined onto one line. If the quantity is more than one, then a number is added after the description, to indicate how many were added. Currently this is only for items added internally. We likely also will … Read more

How to Create Dropdown Field for Check-in Time

By popular demand, you can now customize the Check-In Time field to leave it as a text field, or make it a dropdown with your own dropdown selection text. To make a dropdown, go to Website tab, Reservation Pages, edit your page, scroll down to near the bottom, the section called Reservation Form, and click … Read more

New Tax Merge Codes in Templates

Added new codes to email templates – for total amounts paid of each tax category. The format for the new codes is like this: {{tax(876): Hotel Tax}}{{tax(877): Sales Tax}}