More Star Choices For Marking Reservations

A few months ago we added the ability to add a star to a reservation. Now, we have expanded this feature where users can select which stars/symbols are displayed in the Reservation Details screen. First select stars and symbols under Settings Tab, Preferences: Now, these stars and units will appear as choices in the Reservation … Read more

Enhancements to the Correspondence Window

We’ve added two new features to the Correspondence window. It is now possible to add attachments prior to sending an email. Just click the Add link.  Additionally, PDF files can now be created from the contents of the email template, and attached to a message, all with just a few clicks. This is great for … Read more

ReservationKey Is Also For Property Managers!

Recently we’ve seen an uptick in interest in our system from people that manage vacation rental homes, condos, cabins, etc. I’m happy to say the system works great for these type of users, and continues to improve everyday.  Here is a link to a recent recommendation from a property manager user in Miami: And here … Read more

Option For Scrollbar at Top of Availability Calendar

For users that manage many units, it is now easier to scroll the internal availability calendar. We’ve added options in Settings Tab, Preferences, for setting the location of the horizontal scrollbar. It can now be set to Bottom Only, Top Only, Both Top and Bottom, or None. Top scrollbar: and bottom: So, if you find … Read more

Easier Linking Settings to Reservation Page(s)

Previously, after adding something such as an Item For Sale, it was necessary to also go into the Reservation Page settings and select which items should show on that Reservation Page. Now, it is possible to select the Reservation Page right from the settings for the item being edited – Items for sale, Themes, Payment … Read more

New Statistics Report

We’ve just completed a new report, Monthly/Yearly Statistics. With this report you can quickly see monthly and yearly totals of various categories, such as new reservations, payments, expenses, and emails.. Click on the “++” link in order to drill down and open a window that shows the exact items for that day or month. For … Read more

Configuring ReservationKey for Hotels, Motels, Campgrounds

ReservationKey works well for larger properties such as hotels, motels, and campgrounds, where users book by the TYPE of unit. Here are the steps for how to set up this type of property. All of these sections are located under the Properties Tab. 1. Properties / Locations– Add your property name– Add descriptions and photos … Read more

Easier Configuration for Hotels, Motels, Campgrounds

For properties where guests book by the room TYPE rather than the specific unit, ReservationKey configuration just got a lot easier. Now, instead of duplicating room descriptions and photos in every identical room, you just have to enter the room descriptions and photos, once, in the Room Types section. The latest blog post goes into … Read more

New Feature: Scheduled Emails

We have developed functionality to automatically send emails to guests based on dates saved in custom fields. This is useful for sending automatic yearly emails to guests for events such as a birthday or wedding anniversary.  Here’s how to set it up: 1. Add Custom Field(s)Add one or more custom fields of the date type: … Read more

Changing/Moving Reservations Now Much Easier

From the Reservation Details page, the Change link now opens a small window where quick adjustments to a reservation can be made. This window contains several useful features. 1. Move RoomsSimply select the new room to move this guest to. After selecting the room, the system will automatically check to see if the newly selected … Read more